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multiple payment gateways

What Are The Different Types of Payment Gateways? – A Complete Guide

multiple payment gateways

Customer is KING – This is not just a phrase but a mantra that every business lives by nowadays. The growth and success of any business be it small, medium, or large depends on these customers, which is why keeping them happy and making their experience with you amazing becomes the top priority of every business out there. And one important factor that can make or break your customer’s expectations is your checkout experience. A smooth and seamless checkout process is crucial for converting website visitors into loyal customers. One key element that significantly impacts the checkout experience is the payment gateway. 

So today in this article we are going to learn everything about what is a payment gateway, what are the multiple payment gateways available in the market for you to choose from, how they work, what are their main components, and who can use them. We’ll also discuss why multiple payment gateways are important for customer retention, and last but not least we’ll tell you about how you can choose the perfect payment gateway options that will suit your business needs. 

So let’s start, shall we?

What is a Payment Gateway? 

As the name suggests, a payment gateway is a direct gateway between the customer and the business. When a customer wants to purchase from your website/app, they enter their payment information during checkout, and the gateway securely transmits it to the payment processor (often your bank) for verification. Once approved, the funds are debited from the customer’s account and credited to yours, completing the transaction.

In short, it’s a secure online service that authorizes and processes payments made by customers on your website or app. It encrypts sensitive payment information like credit card details, transmits it to the relevant bank for authorization, and relays the approval or decline message back to your system.

The 4 Types of Payment Gateways

Types of Payment GatewaysNot all payment gateways are created equal i.e., no one-size-fits-all. There are 4 flexible payment gateways options Each offers a unique set of features and functionalities, catering to different business needs. Here’s a breakdown of the different types available:

Hosted Payment Gateways: 

These gateways are the most user-friendly option, often referred to as “redirect gateways.”  These gateways provide a pre-built checkout page hosted on the provider’s server. You simply integrate their code into your website or app, and they handle the entire checkout process. This eliminates the need for you to manage complex security protocols yourself. However, you relinquish some control over the customer experience as the checkout page design belongs to the gateway provider.

How it works?

When a customer wants to make a purchase from your website/app, they simply add the product to their cart and click on “Proceed to checkout”. The customer reaches checkout and clicks on “Buy Now”, then they’re redirected to the payment gateway’s secure server to enter their payment information. Once the payment is processed, they are redirected back to your website. 

Who can use it? 

Hosted payment gateways are ideal for startups, small businesses, and businesses with limited technical expertise or those prioritizing ease of setup.

Self-Hosted Payment Gateways: 

As the name suggests, with self-hosted gateways, you have complete control over the checkout process. Offering a higher degree of customization, self-hosted gateways integrate directly with your website or app. This allows you to design a checkout experience that aligns seamlessly with your brand identity. However, the responsibility for security and PCI compliance falls on your shoulders. This requires a dedicated technical team and ongoing maintenance.

Who can use them? Suitable for large businesses with the resources to manage complex security infrastructure.

How it works?

In self-hosted payment gateways, the software is installed on your own server, so the entire payment processing happens on your own website i.e. when a customer proceeds to checkout and clicks on buy now, the entire process from collecting the customer’s payment information to sending them to the payment processor needs to be taken care of by you. 

Who can use it?

Suitable for large businesses with the resources or in-house IT teams to manage complex security infrastructure and a high volume of transactions.

API-Hosted Payment Gateways: 

These gateways offer an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows you to integrate payment functionality directly into your website or app. This hybrid approach offers the best of both worlds. You can maintain control over the checkout experience while leveraging the provider’s secure processing infrastructure. This is a popular choice for businesses that want a customized checkout experience without the full burden of self-hosting, but similar to self-hosted solutions, it also necessitates significant technical expertise for setup and maintenance.

How it works?

When a payment is initiated by a customer, API-hosted payment gateways act as intermediaries, collecting payment information from your website/app and sending it to the payment processor for authorization. Once processed, the gateway sends the transaction status back to your platform, allowing you to confirm the purchase with the customer.

Who can use it?

Businesses with strong in-house development teams seeking complete control and a highly customized checkout experience.

Local Bank Integration Gateways: 

These gateways connect directly to specific regional or local banks, offering potentially lower fees and faster transaction processing within a particular geographic area, but may require additional setup with your bank. Also, they may not offer the same level of global reach as other gateway options.

How it works?

When a payment is initiated by the customer, it is handled by securely transferring the customer’s payment information to the relevant local bank for processing. The bank then verifies the transaction and sends the results back to the business.

Who can use it?

Businesses operating primarily in a specific region or country focused on domestic sales and prioritizing potentially lower fees.

Pros and Cons of Multiple Payment Gateways

Payment Gateway


Ideal for
Hosted Payment Gateway
-Easy to setup


-Often free to set    up

– Limited control over the checkout experience

– May not offer all desired payment methods

Startups, and small businesses
Self-Hosted Payment Gateway
– Most customization

– PCI compliance responsibility

-Requires significant technical expertise and resources for security and PCI compliance

– High maintenance costs

Large businesses with dedicated IT teams
API-Hosted Payment Gateway
– Customizable checkout experience

– Integrates with existing platform

– Requires technical knowledge for setup and maintenance

– Not ideal for beginners

Businesses with development teams seeking customization
Local Bank Integration Gateway
– Potentially lower fees

– Faster transaction processing within a specific region

– Limited global reach

– May require additional setup with bank

Businesses operating in a specific region focused on domestic sales

Choose The Payment Gateway That Suits Your Business Needs

Who Can Benefit from Payment Gateways?

The answer to this question is simple – any business that accepts online payments! From established e-commerce giants to small startups, multiple payment gateways integration are beneficial for businesses of all sizes:

E-commerce Businesses: The advent of payment gateways led to major growth for e-commerce businesses, as more and more people started preferring online shopping from the comfort of their homes, sales via e-commerce websites/apps started skyrocketing and all these transactions were processing smoothly solely because of the integration of payment gateways, it provides a secure and convenient way for customers to pay for their purchases and businesses to accept payments quickly.

Subscription services:  Payment gateways allow you to easily set up recurring billing for subscriptions. This means your customers can sign up once and have their payments automatically processed each month, saving them time and ensuring you get paid on time.

Freelancers and service providers:  If you offer your services online, a payment gateway lets you accept payments from clients around the world. This gives you a wider reach and makes it easier for people to do business with you.

Non-profit organizations:  Payment gateways make it simple for people to donate to your cause online. This can be a great way to raise more money and reach a wider audience of potential supporters.

Why Payment Gateways Matter for Customer Retention

With the increasing competition between businesses about providing the best customer experience to increase customer retention, it’s important to offer a variety of payment options and make the checkout process as smooth as possible for your customers. Multiple payment gateways integration can help you achieve this in a few ways:

Convenience is king:  Customers don’t want to be limited to just one or two payment methods. Payment gateways allow you to offer a variety of options, such as credit cards, debit cards, and popular e-wallets. This makes it easier for people to pay you the way they prefer.

Speed matters:  No one likes a slow checkout process. Payment gateways encrypt financial information and streamline transactions, so your customers can pay quickly and get back to what they were doing.

Security is a must:  Protecting your customers’ financial information is essential. Payment gateways use industry-standard security measures to keep data safe and prevent fraud. This gives your customers peace of mind when they shop with you.

Global Reach:  Thinking about expanding your business internationally? Many payment gateways offer global processing capabilities, allowing you to accept payments from customers around the world and tap into new markets.

How to Choose the Perfect Payment Gateway Options?

With a plethora of options available, selecting the right flexible payment gateways can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:

Transaction Fees: Think about how many transactions you typically process each month and compare the pricing structures of different gateways. Look at factors like per-transaction fees, monthly fees, and any additional charges for things like chargebacks (when a customer disputes a payment).

Security: Make sure the payment gateway you choose adheres to strict security protocols like PCI DSS compliance. This ensures that your customer’s financial information is always protected.

Payment Methods: Choose a gateway that supports the most popular payment methods used by your target audience and in your region.

Ease of Use: Consider your technical expertise. If you’re not very tech-savvy, choose a gateway with a user-friendly integration process or readily available customer support.

Scalability: Think about your future business goals. Choose a payment gateway that can grow with your business and handle an increase in transaction volume as your business expands.

Olympus Payment Gateway 

EnKash, a leading provider of business payment solutions, offers the Olympus Payment Gateway. This robust and secure gateway caters to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

Key features of Olympus Payment Gateway:

  • Multiple Payment Options: Accept a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, popular e-wallets, and local payment methods, catering to your global customer base
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate the gateway easily with your existing website or app using various integration methods like hosted checkout pages, API integration, and plugins for popular platforms
  • Enhanced Security: Olympus adheres to stringent security standards like PCI DSS compliance, ensuring the safety of your customers’ financial data
  • Fraud Management: Benefit from advanced fraud prevention tools to minimize fraudulent transactions and protect your business
  • Real-time Reporting & Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your transactions with detailed reporting and analytics tools.

Benefits of using Olympus Payment Gateway:

  • Increased Sales: Offer a wider range of payment options to improve customer convenience and boost sales
  • Reduced Costs: Enjoy competitive transaction fees at 1.99%* and potentially lower costs compared to traditional payment processing methods
  • Improved Customer Experience: Provide a smooth and secure checkout process for your customers, fostering trust and loyalty
  • Streamlined Operations: Simplify payment processing and manage all your transactions from a centralized platform

*T&C Apply


Multiple payment gateways integration plays a crucial role in the success of any online business. By choosing the right gateway, you can provide a smooth and secure checkout experience for your customers, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. Consider the factors discussed in this guide to select the payment gateway that best suits your business needs.

Additionally, explore the Olympus Payment Gateway for a comprehensive and secure payment processing solution. We hope this comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge to understand all about the 4 different types of payment gateways and make an informed decision for your business.


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